About UVC

Disinfectant entire rooms in as little as 15 Minutes.

*** Stops COVID 19 ***
We are proud to offer our germicidal ultraviolet UVC Sterilaser™ Room Unit! Over 99% of all harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses (including Influenza and COVID-19) are destroyed in minutes! Easy to use
and rugged construction makes the Sterilaser™ Room Unit perfect for gyms, yoga studios, health care facilities, classrooms, locker rooms, bathrooms and more!
Treatment Times
The Sterilaser™ Room Unit is intended for use in UNOCCUPIED AREAS ONLY. Under no circumstances should this unit be permitted to operate with humans, plants or animals present in the Operation Area. Consult our UV Application Specialists if you have any questions or need help with the Sterilaser™ Room Unit.
The Sterilaser™ Room Unit should be located in the approximate center of the room and targeted surfaces must be directly exposed to the ultraviolet rays. It is important to remove items from direct line of sight that would block or shield UV rays from striking targeted surfaces. Depending upon the configuration of the space, and what specific disinfection you are looking to achieve, it may be advisable to operate the Sterilaser™™ Room Unit on each side of large fixed objects (like a bed, or table, etc.).
Measure the longest distance from the Sterilaser™ Room Unit to the farthest object to be disinfected. Use this length to compare to the Distance From Fixtures / Time shown on Figure 1 below. If a greater dose is required, increase treatment time.
Figure 1 – Treatment Time and UV Dosage Based on Distance from Fixture – Sterilaser™

Dimensions ............................................ 20" x 20" x 49.5"
Weight ..................................................... 28 Pounds
Mobility ................................................... 4 x 2" Swivel Casters
Power....................................................... 120 VAC, 60Hz
Lamps ..................................................... 8 x T5 High Output, 54w, UVC, Up to 10,000 hours
UV wavelength .................................... 254 nm